Hello, I'm Karin 


Five years ago I had to come to terms with an unexpected divorce. I struggled to let go as I knew I didn't want to get stuck with my saboteurs. In fact, I knew I wanted to go on this traumatic journey with love. Everything changed when I learned to incorporate mental fitness into my daily routine. 

My Story


As a kid I had always been adventurous and curious and in awe of life. When I got married and had children I thought I had done the 'right' thing. It turns out I needed to turn fifty, experience the undoing of my family as I had imagined it would always be, and find the power of coaching to realise that I had not listened to my heart, to my unique purpose.

My journey of growth has led me to become clear about my mission, which is to support women especially mothers in midlife to reconnect with their sense of self-worth, to value who they are, define the values they want to live by and to live their lives as an expression of this, their unique self.

It is not too late or too anything, to take another, deeper look at your purpose, at your soul goal. 

Take it from Maja Angelou:

"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.''

And there's no number on that, really is there? ;)

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With that in mind, here's to doing all the things you have dreamed of. Since I turned fifty, I wrote a novel, walked the Camino, travelled to Iceland to see the Aurora, started surfing,  drove for three days to Lapland and went sledging with Huskies, started my coaching business, and I began taking Cello lessons. And there's more to come. But first, let me help you get your dreams going as there's nothing like sharing in all the fun ✨